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VQ P-51D Voodoo Racer .5 EP-GP ARF
R4 250,00 [Each]
Product Number: VQ071 Prices are shown inclusive of VAT.

VQ P-51D Voodoo Racer .5 EP-GP ARF

- Wingspan: 1478mm - 58.2in
- Wing Area: 40.65sq.dm - 630sq.in.
- Wing Loading: 78.11g/dm.sq. - 25.6oz/sq.in.
(Will Vary with Equipment Used)
- Length: 1190mm - 46.8in
- RTF Minimum Weight: 3.18Kg - 7lbs
(Will Vary with Equipment Used)
- Radio: 5 channels - 5 (4 if EP) standard servos
- Engine: 46 Two Stroke, 70 Four Stroke (Sold Separately)
- Motor: G-46 HP Motor, 5 cell 4500mAh, 13x8 propeller
- Functions: Ailerons/Elevator/Rudder/Throttle

- Factory Laser Cut, Jig-Built, All balsa and lite-ply construction
- Factory covered and Finished
- Installed Pilot
- Intalled canopy
- Fiberglass Cowling
- Compatible with Glow and Electric Power System
- Complete Hardware Package

- Assembly instructions with stage photos
- Tail wheel assembly
- Fiberglass cowling
- Fiberglass painted pilot
- Wheels
- Aluminium wing joiner
- Engine mounts
- Spinner
- Fuel tank
- Decals and all hardware

- E-Retracts with struts: VQARE03
- Mechanical Retracts: VQAR03
- Struts only: VQAS01

Does not include: radio, motor, glue, and silicon fuel line