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VQ DHC6 TwinOtter .3 EP ARF
R6 450,00 [Each]
Product Number: VQ138CA Prices are shown inclusive of VAT.

VQ DHC6 TwinOtter .3 EP ARF

- Wingspan: 1840mm (72in.)
- Fuselage (Canadian vers.): 1335mm (52.56in.)
- Fuselage (Swiss&Nature Air vers.): 1395mm (54.92in.)
- Weight (ready to fly): 3.3kg - 3.5kg
- Electric motor: Boots 30 Motor (x 2)
- Battery: 3 cells - 11.1 V - 5000 mAh
- Radio req: 6 channels
(4 for 9g servo / 2 for standard servo)

- All Balsa and lite-ply construction
- Fiberglass Colwing
- Fiberglass Nose
- Control surfaces pre-hinged and installed
- Two piece wing with Aluminium Wing Joiner
- Very Short Aassembly Time
- Everything is Prefabricated
- Factory-Covered with Highly Detailed Film

- Assembly instructions with stage photos
- Nóe wheel assembly
- Fiberglass cowling
- Fiberglass nose
- Aluminium Landing gear
- Wheels
- Spinner
- Decals and all hardware

Optional (not included):
Floats for Twin Otter
- VQA-TW-Y (Yellow)
- VQA-TW-W (White)

Does not include: radio, motor, glue, and silicon fuel line